Friday, July 23, 2010

Midnight Ramblings

As I lay here in bed, with my face mask on, watching Big Brother After Dark I decided I should just grab my laptop and start "blog rambling." I have to say, I am counting down the days until next Thursday (the 29th). That will be the LAST time I ever speak Spanish ever again!! Well, maybe not but it will be the last time I ever learn about it! This summer has felt like pretty much a complete waste. Mainly because including the time before summer school started I only get 3 weeks of summer vacation. I was off for 2 weeks before and I have a week before school starts. I am looking forward to tomorrow because after my morning class which gets out at 10:45am, the weekend will FINALLY be here! Funny how I say finally because this week definitely went by so fast! Am I the only one who thinks that?

So the new MAC collection comes out next Thursday. I believe it's called "Dare to Wear." I'm sad to say that I'm not too excited for it. 1. because I'm pretty sure I have dupes of every shadow coming out, and 2. the glosses don't really catch my eye. There is one that I think is cute, so I might get it for that reason and plus I would like at least one in the new packaging. By the way, the packaging is only for this collection. In case you didn't know lol.

My room is coming together greatly! I think I'm getting some more stuff for it this weekend, so hopefully I will have a room tour up very very soon! I posted a picture of my new makeup storage, and I am possibly posting that soon, but I really want to get my vanity before I do that just so that it's 100% put together. Hopefully you all won't be mad if it gets put off for like 2 weeks. I'm hoping for less!

I do have a bunch of posts in mind that I want to do, so be on the lookout for some pretty exciting things! I would like to find a way to get more followers without "begging" for any or any of that because I would like to do an exciting contest! I already have prizes and a theme in mind!

Well I guess it's time for me to take this mask off and get to bed. 7:00am comes a lot sooner than you might think! Goodnight everyone!


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