Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Workout Blog - Week 1 Recap

First a foremost... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! - Well yesterday. I hope everyone had an excited fun-filled day! I wanted to make sure that I posted these blogs on Sunday of the next week, but since it was the holiday I decided to do this today. This past week I FINALLY decided to kick my new healthy lifestyle into full gear. On Monday I went to the gym to get a new membership. I must say, when I was walking to the door from my car I was practically shaking because I was so nervous! When I was in high school I was very athletic and very much into keeping up a decent image. Not too skinny but healthy. For the past 3 years I kind of let that slip a bit. I do play co-ed flag football during the fall and co-ed softball during the spring for school, but other than that I really don't do anything - especially when it comes to eating. Food as always been my safety. I don't know, I guess it's safe to say that I kind of have a junk food addiction. 

When I was filling out my gym membership application, they asked me a lot of questions that had me thinking. One of them was "What is your starting weight and goal weight?" My answers:

Current: 140
Goal: 120

I figured that I wanted to keep my goal a little bit realistic. I know 20 pounds might seem like a lot, but I'm giving myself a pretty decent time frame. I would love to reach my goal by the beginning of the fall semester (which is around the last week of August) So almost about 2 months. The reason why I want to reach my goal by then, is because 1. it would be great to use the beginning of my last official year of school in the best shape and looking great! 2. Plus, at the beginning of the semester we have this all Greek mixer with all of the fraternity and sorority's on campus - which is a pool party at the school rec. So I would definitely love to be very confident! Last year I basically stayed in my bathing suit wrap the whole time!

Monday - I didn't workout because I just went to sign-up at the gym.
Tuesday - Thursday - I went to workout around 3 and I stayed for about an hour and a half. I rode 5 miles on the bike, jogged on the treadmill for 20 minutes (ran for the last 5 minutes), did 50 crunches and 50 leg pushes.
Friday - I hurt my back so I couldn't workout
Saturday & Sunday - Back still hurt/4th of July

I tried to drink as much water as possible. I have a mini fridge in my room filled with water so I usually reach for that as much as possible. I do have my soda addiction, which I'm trying to ease away from as much as possible. It's a lot harder than I thought but I'm working on it!

Goals for the Week:
- Drink A LOT more water
- Workout everyday no exceptions!
- Ease up on the junk food
- No eating after 7:30

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